Monday, November 30, 2009


Ya, I consider myself a survivor of last week--and what a week it was! Monday we spent setting up for the wedding, which took place on Tuesday. It was a beautiful day--a bit chilly but beautiful. This was the first wedding of one of my children that all the wedding party was on time, thus the ceremony started right on time. When the ceremony was finished and my daughter was getting ready for pictures outside the temple she made the comment, we have another 20 minutes before the photographer will be here! It was the quickest in and out of the temple that I have experienced with each of my other children's weddings. It was wonderful. The wedding luncheon had been held the previous night and so we had a nice relaxing time between the wedding ceremony and reception. It was so fun to see and visit with family from out of town and local. The reception went well. People began arriving at 6:25 and went until almost 9:00. The reception was scheduled to be from 6:30 to 8:30. The receiving line was endless and non-stop. There was no break! My daughter and her husband knew many people in their 30ish years of getting to their big day and it showed by the people who came to wish them well.

Wednesday though the bad news started--people started getting sick. A flu bug must have been at the reception because guests began "dropping like flies" as one relative put it! It started with a neice then it hit me. That yuck hits with a vengeance. The aches are horrific and I couldn't help but wonder about my Savior and how He could withstand not only what I was feeling at that time but He had ALL the World's issues too! Oh the aches hurt so badly. Then the vomiting for some. It was sooooo horrible. Others in the wedding party came down with it Thanksgiving Day and then some on Friday and Saturday. My youngest son was hit last night (Sunday) and is still downstairs throwing up. We got a call Sunday morning that our granddaughter had contracted the yuck and had been admitted to the hospital for dehydration. Between diarhea and vomiting they couldn't keep anything down her. She is still in the hospital and we are praying for her recovery. Another tiny gal, Olivia's cousin, ended up at urgent care with not only the flu but strep. She has not been admitted to the hospital but is being watched closely. You sure hate to see those tiny ones get this stuff as it is so hard on their tiny bodies.

The flu had no rhyme or reason. It got some of the weak and some of the strongest yet also missed some of the weakest and strong. It came on so quickly and played out its vengeance for anywhere from 24 hours to 48 hours and longer still for a few. We feel badly the bug was transported at our gathering and wish all those who attended a speedy recovery or for those who haven't come down with it yet, we pray they can avoid it all together!

OK. Now for the LO I made with Trish's kit In The Blues at ESS. It has many gorgeous hues of blue and I loved it. I did a LO using pictures taken from our trip to St. George, Utah a few years ago and the blues added so much to the colors in the photos. The elements are awesome and I especially liked the alpha. I don't usually use alpha cause I think it is too hard but I loved this! Check out the kit at ESS. Trish is also known as Trish H Designs.

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